Other than the life changing news about Zoey and cereal, we've had a wonderful summer. It's hard to believe that kamp is almost over and we're getting ready to pack up and head home. I miss my house. And, I'm tired. I guess I thought I was Superwoman or something. Running the office and taking care of Zoey has left me pretty exhausted. There were days when I would ask myself, "What was I thinking?" I miss the days of catching a movie and sleeping in on my 2-4s (days off) or catching a nap during FOB (flat on back). Though, I will tell you this. My main goal for this summer was to have no regrets. I didn't want to look back on the past 3 months and wish I had spent more time with Zoey. I didn't want to miss anything. And I really, truly feel that I accomplished my goal. I may have let other things slide...balancing our checkbook or sun tanning (I don't even look like I worked at a summer kamp)...but I got to spend time with my family. I love that Dave can spend time with Zoey during the daytime. He can lay her down for her nap or carry her around kamp in the front carrier. He can take for walks and tell her she can always come to him and talk to him about anything. As excited as I am for getting home and seeing my family and friends, there is a big part of me that will miss the lifestyle we lead at kamp. We'll get home and become busy with the day's tasks. Dave was accepted into grad school and he'll be starting classes this fall. He'll head back to work and I will miss getting to have lunch with him everyday and walking around kamp together. It's such a bittersweet time.
The good news is that we will always have next summer.
new pics posted on Flickr