6:20am scooped Zoey out of bed, quick diaper change
6:30am on our way to the Pediatric Surgery center
7:30am arrived and checked in
8:35am called back to the pre-op room, Zoey gets a nose spray to make her drowsey
8:45am Dr Vaughn & Dr Kampine (the anesthesiologist) visit with us
8:49am a nurse took Zoey from us...she only cried for a second
8:50am back in the waiting room while the surgery takes place
9:20am brought into a consultation room where Dr Vaughn briefed us on the operation
9:40am brought in to see our very sleepy Zoey
10:35am time to get Zoey dressed and head home
11:20am arrive at home, lay Zoey down in her bed
12:00pm still asleep
4:00pm woke Zoey up to give her some medicine
5:00pm she ate a great dinner...fruit, yogurt, a whole banana, and cherrios (all her favorites)
6:30pm crashed on me for 20 minutes
7:00pm more meds and bedtime...haven't heard a peep
Thank you so much for all your prayers. It couldn't have gone better. The surgery center was amaizing...they are so good at preparing and comforting parents. Here are some picures from our day. We'll post more later...
Getting sleepy after the nasal spray
"It sure is drafty in here." Notice the Steelers socks.
We got to hold her as soon as she woke up from surgery.
Very sleepy and cuddly.
Starting to wake up more.
Walking to the car after being released...my eyelids are having a hard time staying open.
The car ride home.