Saturday, January 19, 2008


Zoey Michele...12/28/2006

Zoey Michele...12/31/2007

Last night I nursed Zoey for the last time. It was a very bitter-sweet moment. I have spent the last year of my life committed to doing this and because of that I've never been away from her for any extended period of time. It's been a challenge but I have loved every minute of it. Up until now she has needed me for nourishment and to sustain her life. But, over the last few months as she has been introduced to new foods in her diet she started nursing less and showing her desire for independence. Now that she is over a year old and drinking cow's milk, she can physically do without breast milk. I look at the picture from the day she was born and I cannot remember her being that little. She could do nothing on her own and she relied on us for everything. Now at a year old, 20 lbs 6.4 oz (45%) & 30.5 in (90%), she is not a baby anymore...but a toddler. I keep reminding myself that this is a good thing. She obviously can't nurse forever. Tonight Dave and I are going on a date. I can't even tell you when our last date was that didn't start at 8pm...after we put Zoey to bed. We're actually going to dinner AND a movie. So, as I say goodbye to this chapter in my life I am so thankful for the precious moments (actually hours upon hours) I spent nursing Zoey. It's something I will never forget. I hope to nurse again someday, Lord willing, but in case that never happens I will cherish these tender memories forever.

new pics posted on flickr

1 comment:

Eddo said...

so sweet Jenni. you are such an amazing mom. Dave told me about this at Frisbee one day and I didn't give it much thought, but now reading about it I can see how emotional this could be. But on the same note, what a blessing to be entering a new stage with new things to delight in... and having more time for you and Dave to go on dates is another bonus!