Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ruby's 3!!!

Ruby turned 3 today. She's growing up so fast. I love her so much. She had the option to have her first "friend" party..but she declined. She said, "I don't want a fwend potty. Just the fam-a-wee." You got it girl. So, over Spring Break the "fam-a-wee", grammy and papa, uncle Josh, Witty, Leo and Eta...gathered at an indoor play-place at a nearby church called the ARK. We all had a blast!

The Birthday Girl! 

Silly Sisters 

After rest time, everyone came over to our house for presents, dinner and cupcakes. Ruby chose a Cinderella theme. She also got to pick the birthday dinner. For a while it was between pizza and PBJ sandwiches. We were all glad she finally chose pizza.

Here is our little Cinderellie (what she calls Cinderella) with her new Woddy doll. 

Fun times ready her new Disney story book with Uncle Josh and Leo. 

Happy Birthday Time!!! I love how she sings the entire song to herself. :)

Definitely the best way to eat a cupcake. 

Ruby, Woody and Leo enjoying her new felt board lovingly made by Witty (Aunt Erika). 

Waking up on her actual birthday. She's 3!!! 


Trying to get a little taller to reach the happy birthday banner. Pretty smart, girlies. 

Ruby's first taste of peanut butter. It's a pretty big day in the life of a 3-year old.

Our sweet, funny, smart, loving Ruby Ellen. We love you so
much and you are the coolest 3-year old we know. 

Happy Birthday, Ruby-Doobie!!!!!

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Happy Birthday Ruby !!!! I laughed so hard at the PBJ video that I almost spit out my milk. She is GREAT. <3