the before shot, front
the before shot, back
Cool Cuts 4 Kids
checking herself out in the mirror and driving the fire truck
oh, wait, I do like all this girly stuff
I look so pretty
the finished cut from the back
My mom and I took Zoey to get her hair cut for the first time this morning. We took her to Cool Cuts 4 Kids in Flower Mound. She did really well. When I first strapped her into her little seat...a vintage firetruck...she seemed really excited. But as the lady put on her smock, Zoey got very nervous and told me she was done. I stood next to her, hugged her and kissed her and she relaxed and allowed the lady to cut her hair into a very cute, shoulder-length bob. I can't believe how much older she looks. I can just see her going off to 4 years.
In other news, I had my 12 week appointment today. I heard the baby's heartbeat, yea, and everything is great. I'm feeling sooooo much better than I did a few weeks ago. I'm hoping the afternoon/evening sickness has passed.
last set of kamp pictures posted on flickr
She could not be any cuter!!
Your little doll DOES look grown up with her new do. What a sweetheart. Glad you're feeling better! Isn't it great to have your first trimester behind you? Seems to be going quick! I'm saying boy again for you this time, so paint the nursery pink. You know me, I'm never right. I think a little boy will balance things out nicely, though, don't you?. Any predictions on your end? Gonna find out early? I guess I'll stop firing questions at you now. Love you lots. AA
Love the cute cut!!!! What a sweetie!
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